Merrill Gardens Health Fair
By: Nolan Chen
Bone Health Initiative, an organization committed to educating both the young and old on maintaining healthy bones as well as various bone-related diseases, had the opportunity to participate in a health fair at the Merrill Gardens Senior Living at Rockridge on October 10, 2018. The event was held in the main area of the Merrill Gardens Senior Living Center at Rockridge. We had a booth set up alongside other senior health-related organizations; however, we were the only student organization present. During the event, seniors could come and go as they pleased, and they were encouraged to stop by our booth to discuss their concerns about bone health and potentially get their fracture risk assessed.
BHI Peer Educators Gillian Montross and Xammy Nguyenla were available to answer general questions about bone health. We also offered fracture risk assessments for seniors who were interested. Based on the results of the fracture risk assessment, they were offered pamphlets containing lifestyle tips based on their individual bone health and fracture risk. Many seniors were interested in talking to us about general bone health, fracture risk, and osteoporosis, and we had some excellent dialogue with the seniors about these topics as well as anything that they wanted to share/discuss.
Some of the seniors had questions about other general health issues such as diabetes. While we are not trained to provide information about diabetes risk factors, prevention, or treatment options, our Peer Educators did their best to connect them with resources that could assist them in taking control of their health. We also had a dietitian from another booth come talk to us for a while about her own bone health; we had a great conversation with both her and her husband and provided them with their own fracture risk assessments (they were in the green!).
The facility at Merrill Gardens Rockridge was very nice and we appreciated the food, hospitality, and conversations they provided to us while we were there. All in all, the event served as a great opportunity for our Peer Educators to give information and answer questions about bone health and osteoporosis to seniors, the group that is most susceptible to fractures, falls, osteoporosis, and other disorders related to bone health. We are very grateful to Merrill Gardens Rockridge for providing us with this opportunity and experience.