Bone Sense Decal

Bone Sense Decal
                                         Our lovely decal coordinators!

Did you know that every year, more than 3 million cases of osteoporosis surface in the United States alone? While it is true that this condition mostly affects the elderly, the most critical age for building good bone health is between 15 and 25, which probably includes YOU!

Our DeCal will teach you all about osteoporosis as well as other conditions related to bones. Those who complete the course can choose to become a registered peer educator with American Bone Health and volunteer in the local community to raise awareness for bone health.

It will be lead by our wonderful co-education coordinators, Xammy Nguyenla and Emily Chen; it’s sure to be a fun and easy 1-unit course!

Our first class is Jan 31 from 7-8 pm at 189 Dwinelle. See our DeCal page for more details!

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